A week ago Thursday (July 12, 2012, 5:30PM - 7:30PM) Los Alamos National Laboratory
(LANL) sponsored a community meeting at the Cities of Gold Conference Room in
Pojoaque, New Mexico, to present material related to storm water contaminant control at
LANL, to answer questions from the general public, and to satisfy legal
requirements of the settlement of a lawsuit, filed against LANL by local
citizen activists.
Particularly interesting was a talk by LANL staff member
Armand Groffman who spoke about LANL's measurement of contaminant
concentrations in groundwater, in the surrounding area, and the collection and
interpretation of these data; e.g., especially as they related to polychloro biphenyls (PCB's).
Evidently, Groffman was himself involved in the measurement and analysis of these data. A report has been issued: "PCBs
in Precipitation and Stormwater within the Upper Rio Grande Watershed"
(however, no author is listed on the report LA-UR-12-1081, ERID-21967,
EP2012-0047, dated May 2012.)
At Thursday's Pojoaque meeting, Groffman described these PCB
data, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards to which they should be compared. Then, when
prompted by a LANL staff member in the audience, he pointed out that the
so-called Target Action Limit (TAL) for this contaminant was only 0.65 ppt
(parts per trillion), which was ~20x smaller than the lowest level of PCB concentration found to exist in
non-industrial areas, locally. He implied that the EPA standard seemed to be
too low; i.e., since it was much lower than any northern NM
"background" level.
He failed to make clear that the more relevant Drinking
water Standard (DWS) for PCB is actually 500 ppt, according to both EPA and
the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED), a number ~ 5x greater than the largest PCB concentration found to exist
at non-industrial sites, locally. The TAL, however, is the maximum level of PCB
contamination suggested by EPA and NMED for streamwaters containing aquatic life forming a part of the
food supply of local people; i.e., since aquatic life tends to accumulate and
concentrate PCB's found in streamwater.
Which then is the appropriate standard to be applied to the
population at large? Clearly, the DWS is already the standard being applied, generally, for
drinking water. Indeed, EPA says that if water contains PCB levels below 500
ppt, and all other contaminants are below the EPA standard as well, then it is
safe for everybody to drink, with no restrictions.
But, it is necessary to reconcile the DWS with the TAL, when
drinking water and streamwater are one and the same, perhaps on a case-by-case
basis. On the other hand, this is hardly a reason to imply that EPA standards
are over-restrictive, generally.
Unfortunately, LANL and NMED seem to be positioning themselves for future disputes
with EPA over environmental monitoring. In their Framework Agreement of this
past January, LANL and NMED have agreed to limit the future expense of
"unnecessary" environmental monitoring, whenever this would seem to
be possible. The following excerpts from the Framework Agreement are relevant.
(The Agreement was announced by LANL and NMED on Jan. 6, 2012, though no actual date was afixed to the text
of the Agreement, nor were the names of any responsible parties included.)
"3. DOE/NNSA and NMED agree that in order to achieve
the most rapid progress feasible in completing the highest priority activities
at the Laboratory, planning, characterization and implementation activities for
all remediation actions must be carried out in a cost effective and efficient
way that provides full protection of human health and the environment and takes advantage of lessons learned both
from previous work performed at the site and nationally."
"a. NMED will
require the collection and reporting of characterization and monitoring data
which is necessary and sufficient to assure protection of human health and the
environment. NMED will reduce the frequency of data collection and reporting
where prior results indicate very low or no risk (e.g., no results above
applicable standards)."
"4. NMED commits to follow pertinent EPA guidance
except where such guidance is not supported by sound science."
A related effort seems to be underway to limit the expense
of certain safety and security procedures being performed at LANL and the two
other primary US
nuclear weapons laboratories, and of oversight of the safety of operations at
these laboratories by the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board. The National
Research Council may have become a party to this effort. In a recent report NRC
advised Congress that, since there have been no serious accidents at nuclear
weapons facilities in recent times, the necessity for continued very rigorous
safety controls might now be questioned. In particular, NRC questions the value
of continued DNFSB oversight of safety procedures at the nuclear weapons labs. It appears that this may be primarily a matter
of money. (See: "Managing for High-Quality Science and Engineering at the
NNSA National Security Laboratories", National Research Council, Feb. 15, 2012.)
To quote a few examples from the NRC report:
Example (1) - "Recommendation 5.1 - The Study Committee
recommends that the NNSA, Congress, and top management of the Laboratories recognize
that safety and security systems at the Laboratories have been strengthened to
the point that they no longer need special attention. NNSA and laboratory
management should explore ways by which the administrative, safety, and
security costs can be reduced, so that they not impose an excessive burden on
essential S&E activities."
Example (2) - "Appendix 3. - Evolving and Persistent
Issues in the Management of the Nuclear Weapons Laboratories, such as ... 4. Excessive numbers of reviews and oversight
by external organizations, particularly by the Defense Nuclear Facilities
Safety Board."
Example (3) - (on p64) "The role that non-regulatory
agencies (particularly the DNFSB) have had on the laboratories is excessive.
Although the Board lacks independent regulatory enforcement authority, it has
issued more than 30 recommendations to the Secretary of Energy since 1990 ...