In December 2008, the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) undertook the first major update to
Los Alamos National Laboratory's plutonium facility (PF-4) safety basis since 1996. During this update, analysis revealed that a
seismically induced fire at PF-4 could credibly lead to an offsite radiation
dose to the general public of > 2000 rem. [This is a near-fatal radiation
dose. See my blogposts of Nov. 24,
2011 "Accidental Fall-out from LANL", and Nov. 18, 2011 "DNFSB Criticizes
LANL's Risky Practices."]
Because of this predicted, albeit improbable, very large offsite radiation
release, the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board issued Recommendation 2009-2, "Los Alamos National
Laboratory Plutonium Facility Seismic Safety." In this Recommendation, DNFSB urged NNSA to execute immediate and long-term actions to reduce the risk
posed by a seismic event at PF-4. This Recommendation is still open. See
( Activities/Recommendations/rec_2009-2_32.pdf.)
Related to this is Recommendation 2010-1 "Safety Analysis Requirements for
Defining Adequate Protection for the Public and the Workers", which is
also still open.
NNSA responded to DNFSB Recommendation 2009-2 with a variety
of corrective measures [see below], and now claims that the concerns of DNFSB
have all been satisfied. But, DNFSB disagrees.
In a letter from DNFSB
Chairman Peter Winokur to NNSA Chief Administrator Tom D'Agostino, dated June 18, 2012, the Board expressed
its disagreement with the recent claims made by NNSA regarding the maximum
credible radiation release from LANL's PF-4 plutonium facility, following a
seismically induced fire burning over and through the facility. See
NNSA claims that 23 rem is now the maximum credible dose to
the general public, in such an event; i.e., at the site boundary. DNFSB
disagrees, claiming instead that the maximum credible dose at the site boundary
is > 100 rem. Currently, DOE sets 25 rem as the maximum allowable dose to
the general public, in the event of a major accident at a nuclear weapons
According to DNFSB Chairman Winokur:
"The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (Board)
has reviewed the approved safety basis for the Plutonium Facility (PF-4) at Los
Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and concludes that for one accident the mitigated dose
consequences to the public exceeds 100 rem total effective dose equivalent
(TEDE), which would require additional safety controls for the facility. The
Board's analysis differs from Revision 1 of the 2011 Documented Safety
Analysis(DSA) by LANL that presents a mitigated offsite dose of 23 rem TEDE. A
detailed review by the Board's staff identified a number of deficiencies in the
technical basis that supports the 2011DSA, including concerns with the quality review
process for documents and analyses."
"The Board issued Recommendation 2009-2, Los Alamos
National Laboratory Plutonium Facility Seismic Safety, on October 26, 2009, to address the potential
consequences associated with seismically-induced events at PF-4 and requested
that the Department of Energy develop and implement an acceptable seismic
safety strategy. The mitigated consequences associated with the
seismically-induced fire scenario were two orders of magnitude higher than the
Department of Energy evaluation guideline of 25 rem TEDE; i.e., >2000 rem.
Subsequently, the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and LANL
personnel implemented near-term compensatory measures to reduce seismic risk,
identified and implemented new safety controls, completed a series of physical
upgrades to the PF-4 building structure, and developed a long term plan to
seismically upgrade the ventilation and fire suppression systems."
"Laboratory personnel also refined the analysis of the
seismically-induced fire scenario to support the 2011 DSA that was approved by
the NNSA's Los Alamos Site Office (LASO) in October 2011 and is in the process
of being implemented. The Board's staff identified multiple, substantial
deficiencies of a non-conservative nature in this refined analysis,
specifically with the technical basis for selection of key input parameters,
analytical assumptions, and methodologies. The Board's estimate of this
accident's mitigated dose consequence in excess of 100 rem TEDE accounts for
conservatism in the leak path factor and respirable fraction for one material.
Additional use of appropriately conservative parameters would further increase
the dose consequence for this postulated accident. The staff also identified
issues with the quality assurance process that was applied to documents and
analyses that support the DSA. In particular,
key DSA input documents were not independently reviewed as required by
laboratory procedures. The Board has discussed many of these issues with NNSA
in its review of previous DSA revisions."
"Contractor development and submission of high quality
DSA documents in accordance with Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations Part 830,
Nuclear Safety Management; and thorough and critical review by NNSA, are
fundamental elements for ensuring safe operations at defense nuclear
facilities. The issues identified above and in the enclosed report require
prompt action by NNSA. Therefore, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 2286b(d), the Board
requests a briefing and report, within 30 days of the receipt of this letter,
which contain the following:"
"1. NNSA plans for providing a sound and technically
justifiable Safety Basis that includes correction of the non-conservative
deficiencies identified in the enclosed report."
"2. Necessary actions to ensure that quality assurance
requirements are adequately implemented at LANL for Safety Basis
"3. NNSA actions to ensure Safety Basis review and
approval processes are performed with sufficient rigor to prevent technically
deficient Safety Bases from being approved."
"In response to the Board's Recommendation 2009-2, NNSA
and LANL personnel: (1) executed a series of near-term compensatory measures
designed to reduce the risk of a seismically induced fire at PF-4; (2)
identified a number of new safety-class engineered controls, including seismic
cutoff switches for electrical power, seismically qualified material storage
safes, and fire-rated material storage containers; and (3) developed a Project
Execution Plan for longer-term upgrades to enable the confinement ventilation
and fire suppression systems to perform safety class functions following a
Performance Category (PC)-3 seismic event."
"In addition to physically upgrading the building
structure and implementing new safety class engineered controls, laboratory
personnel completely reanalyzed the seismically-induced fire scenario in the
2011 DSA. The new analysis in the 2011 DSA concludes that the mitigated offsite
dose consequence for the seismically-induced fire scenario is 23 rem TEDE, which
is less than the Department of Energy (DOE) Evaluation Guideline of 25 rem
TEDE. This analyzed offsite dose consequence is two orders of magnitude lower
than the mitigated offsite dose consequence calculated by the 2008 DSA. The
roughly 100-fold decrease results from changes to four accident analysis
parameters: the quantity of material at risk, airborne release fractions,
respirable fractions, and leak path factor (LPF). Revision 1.0 of the 2011 DSA
was approved by LASO on October 13,
2011, and the DSA and its associated technical safety requirements
(TSR) are currently scheduled to be implemented by June 25, 2012."
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